不要摘浆果.... 甚至从你自己的财产!

Florida’s Saw Palmetto plants are defined as “Commercially Exploited Plants”. 佛罗里达州法令581.185 (c) makes it il腿al from for any person to harvest Saw Palmetto berries without permission of the property owner and a permit.

佛罗里达州法令581.185 (d) requires any person transporting for sale selling or offering to sell Saw Palmetto 从个人拥有的财产, must have a permit from the Department of Agriculture.

A native plant harvesting permit is required from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) prior to the harvest of Saw Palmetto Berries. 据那不勒斯每日新闻报道, 2019年8月, southwest Florida has seen an increase in il腿al Saw Palmetto berry harvest arrests.

The unwary berry picker is at risk for arrest and prosecution of a First-Degree 轻罪.


* Harvesting saw palmetto berries in Florida requires a permit from the FDACS.

* A permit application must be approved by the FDACS before you can begin harvesting saw palmetto berries.

* Review of the permit application may take up to 14 business days.

* An approved permit is valid for one year from the date of issuance and a new permit application must be submitted each year.

* If approved, your permit will be sent to you by email. If you did not include an email address on your permit application, 批准的许可证将邮寄给你.

* There is no limit to the number of berries you can harvest unless stipulated by a landowner.


* Your permit must be in your possession at all times when you are doing any activity associated with harvested saw palmetto berries.

* A bill of lading and a copy of the harvester’s permit is required for buyers and transporters of the berries.

* For questions about saw palmetto berry harvesting, you can contact the FDACS Services at 1-888-397-1517; DPIHelpline@FreshFromFlorida.com.


The Saw Palmetto is a slow-growing palm tree with fan blades that grow quickly. 它成熟的果实可以用来制药. 锯棕榈从四月到七月开花, producing white flowers on stalked panicles that grow from the leaf axils. 果实由受精花发育而成. The 1-inch ovoid fruit ripens from 9月 to October and resembles blue-black grapes. Saw palmetto grows wild in Florida's natural areas, but it's also a useful plant for home landscapes throughout the 状态. This native plant tolerates a range of conditions and provides textural interest beneath new or established trees. And its highly salt-tolerant, making it ideal for coastal gardening.

Saw palmetto is most commonly used for decreasing symptoms of an enlarged pro状态. Saw palmetto is also used to prevent complications from pro状态 surgery, 睾丸激素调节, 减少炎症, improve urinary tract function and prevent hair loss.


Saw palmetto doesn't shrink the overall size of the pro状态, but it seems to shrink the inner lining that puts pressure on the tubes that carry urine. Saw palmetto also might prevent testosterone from being converted to a more potent form of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is thought that some types of hair loss are caused by increased sensitivity of hair follicles to DHT. Reduced levels of DHT may help prevent these types of hair loss. It also contains antioxidants that may reduce inflammation.


The Saw Palmetto berry has a long history of medicinal use. The Mayans crushed the berries and drank them as a tonic; the Seminole Indians used them as an antiseptic; and, 在远东, 浆果被认为是一种强大的春药. Saw Palmetto was first introduced into western medicine in the 1870’s.

$$ 钱$ $

锯棕榈的收获是一笔大生意. The price of harvested berries fluctuates between $1.60元及3元.在佛罗里达,每磅00美元. Numerous companies process the raw berries into powder and sell it for upwards of $38.每磅00英镑. 提取物售价超过10美元.00 per ounce and packaged capsules sell for various prices in the vitamin section of many retailers. Saw Palmetto is also sold and exported outside of the United States.


http://www.腿.状态.fl.我们/法规/索引.cfm?视图模式= % 20的律例&子菜单= 1&App_mode = Display_Statute&Search_String = 581.185&URL = 0500 - 0599/0581 /部分/ 0581.185.html





