
蓬塔戈尔达个人财产& 宠物监护律师

为博览会工作 & 你的离婚协议

When confronting the matter of divorce in Florida, you will likely have to face the issue of dividing your marital property and debts with your 即将前配偶. This can be a complicated and often highly contentious matter, especially in view of “dividing” the family home and 其他相关资产.

At 妖怪法律, our legal team has considerable experience managing the issue of property, asset, pet, and debt division and working towards favorable resolutions that can be agreed upon between you and your spouse. 我们的公司处理 divorce and its related issues day in and day out both inside the courtroom through litigation proceedings and outside the courtroom through negotiation 技术. We are dedicated to helping you resolve your property division issue in the fairest and just way without sacrificing your best interests 或者涉及到的任何宠物.

Need help dividing marital property or debts? 从和某人交谈开始 one of our 蓬Gorda property and pet custody attorneys at 妖怪法律 今天. 呼叫 (941) 257-4743 or 在线联系我们.

How is Marital Property Divided in Florida?

The first determination to be considered in the division of marital property is to establish what is and what is not “marital.“任何单独的 property owned by you prior to marriage or gifts or inheritances titled to you separately during the marriage are viewed as “separate” 而不是“婚姻”财产. 只有当这个属性 becomes commingled into the marital finances will it become partially or wholly marital, depending on the circumstances.

Florida resolves the issue of marital property under “equitable distribution.” Property and debt are divided according to what is considered to be fair 基于多种因素. 如果你和你的配偶能达成一致 to reasonably divide your debt and assets, you can have it written up into a property settlement agreement to be submitted to the court. If you cannot, the matter will have to be decided by a family court judge 在司法程序中.

Factors that can influence how such a settlement will be reached can include:

  • 你们的婚姻维持了多久
  • You and your spouse’s assets and liabilities
  • Who will have major custody of children and whether they will be provided 以家庭为目的
  • 不管怎样,你们一起养宠物
  • Non-economic contributions made to the family by either spouse, such as 家庭主妇或家庭主父
  • What each spouse contributed to the financial aspects of the marriage
  • 税收的后果
  • Costs of sale of property or of sale of other assets
  • The retirement benefits that each spouse may have accrued
  • 各种资产的流动性如何
  • Any other considerations that would influence a fair division of property or debt, such as alimony, marital or financial misconduct, squandering 资产,甚至更多


At 妖怪法律, we always include asset protection in our estate planning. In definition, asset protection is the method of safeguarding your assets during your lifetime in the event of claims made against you, the dissolution 你的婚姻,甚至破产. 资产保护确保有 you will still be able to retain your finances and distribute them to 你的家人如你所愿.

When you consult with our firm, we can help you with our vast array of asset protection plans concerning the following:

  • 宅基地豁免和租赁
  • Trusts including living trusts, irrevocable trusts, and special needs trusts
  • 人寿保险福利
  • Disability income benefits for your family
  • 退休账户
  • 遗产税的影响
  • 业务问题


离婚 can be one of the most emotionally and financially challenging 你将要面对的经历. 我们公司的宗旨是提供高质量的服务 and caring support to help get you through this difficult time and to ensure that your legal rights under Florida law are protected and pursued. No matter how complex it may be, we will do everything possible to affordably ease the way into a fair and just resolution on this matter as well as 其他所有人.

Contact our 蓬Gorda property and pet custody lawyers at (941) 257-4743 今天.


  • An Entire Team of Professionals Working to Protect Your Future
  • Innovative, Ground-Breaking Defense Strategies
  • Personalized Support and Attention to Detail
  • Trial-Tested Experience and Legal Insight


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